DiLand Kiosk Software features easy to use touch screen software to create print orders from digital images
- Print products and channels are easily customizable: passport, borders, contact sheet, cluster, gifts, Photobooks, CDs and DVDs.
- Automatically send print orders to dye-sub printers, minilabs, networked PCs, photofinishers via ftp or removable storage media.
- It is possible to load third party frames and graphics to enable creative products like cards, calendars etc.
- Event photography ordering system with dedicated image sources and price list.
- Digital signage feature with customizable text, video and images for high impact promotional messages.
Click to view sample DiLand Kiosk Software images.
Key DiLand Kiosk Software Features
- Initial digital signage screen can be setup with images, video and promotional text messages.
- Multiple image source selection to load customer’s images.
- Load images from social network folders.
- iPhone and iPad image loading via USB cable and via WiFi, with and without APP.
- Clear card insertion instructions with 3D drawings.
- Image selection and print copy quantity in one step.
- Images can be enhanced and automatically corrected.
- Each image can be adjusted, printed with FIT or FILL option, duplicated or printed in multiple sizes.
- Image crop is easy to do with touchscreens by simply adjusting the yellow box on the image
- Clear options for image enhancement.
- Manual corrections can be enabled to allow customers doing manual image adjustments.
- Images can be rotated also by fine steps.
- Automatic Red eye correction.
Click to view sample DiLand Kiosk Software images.