Improving customer revenue and profitability should be a key aim for every photo retailer in 2014. You work hard to acquire your customers but do you work equally hard on leveraging their full potential?
Your customers are not all created equal in terms of what they want or need from their relationship with your store. Even customers owning the exact same model camera will often have quite separate and different needs and demands. In 2014 be sure to work on this opportunity by better understanding your customers needs and wants – in that way you’ll identify some new products and services which you can cross-sell to your customers. The more you’re able to take your customers on a cross-selling journey the more they’ll thank you for promoting new ideas and experiences that enable them to get more enjoyment from their camera. And the better relationship, the more they’ll spend at your store.
The simplest example of this is to consider how many of your customers have not made a canvas or a photo book with you. Alternatively consider how many of your customers have not attended a photography class or appreciate the benefits of photo preservation. For most retailers the opportunities for cross selling are huge so all you have to do is get a plan of action into place.