Still using a wetlab?
Want to have no downtime when changing print surface or size?
Want to be able to increase print capacity quickly and easily as customer demand changes?
Want to offer single sided and double sided prints, as well as gifts and canvas products?
Want to have software for your customers that is so simple for them to use they don’t need to tie up staff time?
Want to have software that allows you to add products at will, instantly?
Want to use your kiosks as silent salespeople for your other products in store?
Want to be portable to maximise opportunities for event and Santa photos?
Want to have software that offers event photos through the kiosk at different prices to your standard?
Want to have software that offers your own library of images for customers to access as well as their own?
Want a solution that you can simply plug and play, without having to create more time in an already busy day?
Want to produce high quality prints, quickly and cost-effectively?
Want to reduce the cost of biometric passports?
Want to be able to pause large jobs while they are happening, so that you can print rush orders?
Want to find out more about how all this is possible??
Simply email or phone us on 1300 364 817. We’d be delighted to answer your questions on how you can have all this for as little as $89* per week.
*$89 per week depends on finance terms and conditions and the final equipment and software configuration selected.